Who is Jersey Fresh

Our own Farmer Kurt was interviewed for a feature of the faces of Jersey Fresh, read the article below taken from the Jersey Fresh website.

I am the grandson of German immigrants. I grew up in a family that owned a service station here in New Jersey. Through my family business, I learned firsthand entrepreneurial and customer service skills from my father and grandfather. Born in Elizabeth and raised in Chester, I was divinely inspired to become a farmer at a young age. I was the salutatorian of the graduating Class of 1982 from West Morris Central and went on to study Horticulture as well as Agronomy and Agribusiness at Delaware Valley College, where I graduated in 1985. While I was studying, I began the business that grew into Alstede Farms. Over the past 35 plus years, I have grown the business from raising hay, grain, and wholesale fruits and vegetables to being an entirely retail based business raising over 600 acres of fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Outside of farming, I am a husband and father of three, an active volunteer firefighter, a public servant in local and state government, and an avid fan of stamp collecting, history, travel, and more. As the General Manager and Owner of Alstede Farms, I have taken supreme pleasure in taking care of this permanently preserved farmland and I truly appreciate the beauty around me.

What is something unique about your farm or business?

Alstede Farms is proud to be a first generation farm that became a farm to provide nutritious and healthy food to families and to preserve the land for future generations.

What is your favorite thing to grow?

Jersey Fresh Peaches.

What is your favorite recipe or cooking technique using Jersey Fresh?

Apfel Kuchen, German Apple Cake using Jersey Fresh Rome Apples.

“I am very pleased to be in a position to have a long lasting and positive impact in the Chester Community and our region through maintaining open space, as well as providing locally produced, Jersey Fresh produce for families. I am also happy to provide an atmosphere where families can come and enjoy a direct connection with the land to learn how food is grown.”

Kurt W. Alstede – Jersey Fresh Farmer, Alstede Farms, LLC

Here’s a link to the article on the Jersey Fresh website https://findjerseyfresh.com/kurt-w-alstede/

Want to learn more about Jersey Fresh? Please visit https://findjerseyfresh.com/facts/

Why Jersey Fresh?

1. Locally grown food tastes better

Produce harvested locally and more recently is fresher and has better flavor than produce that travels across the country.

2. Local produce is better for you

Studies show that fresh produce loses nutrients quickly. Locally grown food, purchased soon after harvest, retains its nutrients.

3. Eating local is better for the environment

When your food doesn’t travel long distances, you’re promoting better air quality and reducing pollution.

4. Local food supports local farm families

When you buy local, you support family owned farms and as a result those families can afford to stay on the farm, doing the work they love.

5. Local food preserves open space

Open farming lands will survive only as long as farms are financially viable. When you buy locally grown food, you are doing something proactive about preserving the agricultural landscape.

What to Look For


Look for the Jersey Fresh logo whenever, wherever you shop for fruits, vegetables, cheese, milk, meat, beer, wine, spirits, sauces, salsas, juices, frozen foods, chocolate, etc.


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