Our recent Fall planted raspberry brambles received some new trellising this Winter. The trellis system consists of sturdy 4-5 ft. tall posts with various horizontal wires for support. The wires function as load-bearing and cane-positioning wires meaning supporting the plant and the weight of the overall trellis. Trellises are anchored to the ground on each end with earth anchor wires which keep the wires in place over time.
Trellising helps with disease prevention and insect control keeping our plants off the ground and spaced out. It also helps promote airflow and sunlight which is healthier for the plant. Trellising also helps spread out the canes so that it’s easier to reach the fruit for our pick-your-own visitors.
We farm nearly 4 acres of brambles (raspberries, blackberries, and black raspberries) as part of our growing diversification. Brambles are classified as either floricane or primocane. The floricane are 2 year old (bi-annual) and they produce flowers and fruit during their second season, earlier in the Summer. The primocane are first-year canes that will produce flowers and fruit in late Summer after the floricane. We grow two different kinds of brambles to ensure our harvest will last as long as possible so you can enjoy picking raspberries into the Fall. Learn more about when our raspberries are available for picking on our website . Watch a short video of our team showing how it’s done.