There are three chances to visit our farm during delicious apple season with the emergence of early-season apples, mid-season apples, and late-season apples.
Apple season is categorized into three parts to distinguish the many varieties of growing periods, early season, mid-season, and late season. The category names mean just that, early season apples are the first apples to be available, typically in August and September, and they consist of Honeycrisp, Gingergold, Gala, Lodi, Mollie’s Delicious, and Paula Red. These apples are best eaten raw or soon after picking and don’t store well. Mid-season apples are typically available in September and October and include Macoun, Empire, Cortland, Jonamac, and Mutsu. Mid-season apples can be eaten raw or used for baking and will store well in an average fridge for at least a few weeks. Late-season apple varieties are typically available in October and November and include Granny Smith, Pink Lady, Fuji, Winesap, and Braeburn. Late-season apples are noted for their capability of being able to store for longer periods, especially in proper cold storage.
Apples are in season here in Chester, NJ. from August through the end of November, if weather conditions cooperate. We farm over 60 acres of apples growing over 50 different kinds, using the apples that we grow for our apple cider, apples for sale in our markets & farm stands, and CSA as well as for our farm-to-table catering on our farm.
There are some sources that say there may be as many as 30,000 apple varieties in the world, with the U.S. growing up to as many as 2,500 different kinds. We always have favorites, and according to the U.S. Apple Association, the top ten most preferred in our country are Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Gala, Fuji, Granny Smith, Honeycrisp, Rome, Cripps, and Pink Lady. Lucky for you, we grow all of these top ten favorites and more on our farm. Offering over 50 unique varieties, it’s as easy as pie to find your favorites and make some new favorites too with a visit to our farm.
Did you know? Not all apples ripen at the same time and each of us on our farm as we wait patiently for our favorites to come in season. We created a helpful ripening guide to help you stay in the know and make the most of apple season. In addition to apples having their specific ripening times, they also each have their unique uses, meaning how to best savor their flavor & texture. Some apples are ideal for baking, some are best for eating fresh, while others are ideal for cooking. Our ripening and use guide will help you truly enjoy all the apple varieties available on our farm.
Picking your own apples on our farm is so gratifying and rewarding. There is nothing better than the taste of an apple that you freshly picked from the tree. Apples in supermarkets do not have the same taste and texture as they may have been in cold storage for several months and are not as fresh. Our goal, as your farmer, is to provide you with the healthiest and best-tasting fruits and vegetables. We allow fruits to ripen naturally before picking them and grow of variety of different apples to ensure availability throughout the season. Unripe apples contain starch which is not so palatable. It won’t hurt you, however, you won’t be able to truly savor the apple’s flavor until those starches convert into sugar which occurs naturally when allowed to ripen on the tree.
Our apples are grown on a trellis system from dwarf apple trees making the apples easier to reach. Follow the field signs and your map once you arrive on the farm to locate the apples that are available for picking and ripe. Come taste the difference that freshly picked makes with a visit to our pick-your-own farm.
We are open every day from 9 am – 6 pm, with an all-inclusive apple-picking experience that comprises tractor-drawn wagon rides, a visit to our giant corn maze and blooming giants sunflower trail, and other attractions. Check out this video to preview a visit to our farm for apple-picking season.