The very a-peeling onion

Alstede Fresh Red OnionsOnions are an aromatic root vegetable belonging to the genus Allium and are related to chives, shallots, leeks and garlic. These root vegetables are in season this time of year and are provided just in time by nature to help keep us healthy. Onions contain antioxidants and natural sulfuric compounds that health experts say may help stave off colds. Health experts tout that onions may be considered the most powerful natural antibiotic so eating onions this time of year is good for you. 

We grow several varieties of onions here on 3 acres on our farm including; red, yellow, white and shallots. We start onions from seed in our greenhouses in late winter. They sprout and grow and when temperatures are right we plant them in the ground where they will grow. They are harvested Spring through Mid-Summer and available on our farm typically all the way through late Winter from our cold storage. We allow our onions to “rest” in a warm, dry greenhouse which cures them meaning that they can be stored for longer periods of time. We know when it’s time to harvest our onions when the onion tops naturally tip over and become brown. 

Young onions can also be consumed before maturity and they are called scallions, spring onions or summerAlstede Fresh Homegrown Mini Onions onions. You must try onions at this stage if you never experienced them for a unique culinary experience. 

Onions continue to play a large role in recipes around the world as a base for several dishes in regional cuisines, including the formation of Mirepoix and The Trinity. Mirepoix, which is a classic sautéed flavor base in French cuisine, consists of onion, celery and carrot and is the basis for thousands of dishes. The trinity is the holy three ingredient flavor base used in Cajun and creole cooking consisting of onion, celery and green pepper, also used as a base for traditional local cuisine.

Alstede Fresh Caramelized Onion StromboliLooking for an exciting new recipe featuring onions? Try this Caramelized Onion Stromboli recipe specially curated by our culinary and educational specialist. 

Farm Kitchen Fun Folklore – It was believed in old English times that you could predict the severity of the upcoming winter by the thickness of an onion skin. The thicker the skin, the more intense winter was predicted. 

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