Stirring the Pot for Local and Farm Fresh

John-Paul Andronici brings his love of culinary creations to Alstede Farms, setting the table for the first Food & Beverage Manager position. Alstede Farms transcends the farm-to-table experience with this new position planting the seed for a sprouting hospitality department. John-Paul brings his corporate chef experience, fine dining acumen, and his hospitality background to elevate …

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Born and Bred for Farming

Colin Manning, the newest member of our farm production team, is really born and bred for farming.  Having grown up locally in the Ironia section of the neighboring town of Randolph, he was influenced by family members who farmed and the local community’s farming roots.  Ironia is one of four sections of Randolph Township and …

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In-cider Information

Hard Cider is apple cider that has been naturally fermented into alcohol and goes long back to our pioneer roots. Apples and hard cider have a long history, eventually making their way to New Jersey with the early settlers. Apples were primarily used in our region for cider and hard cider, (aka Apple Jack), as …

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All of a Spuden

All of a sudden we shifted from our summer harvest to fall harvest which includes root crops, such as beets & carrots, along with tuber crops, such as potatoes. We grow six different varieties of potatoes on approximately 6 acres of farmland, varieties include russet, red, white, Yukon gold, purple, and fingerling. It’s no mistake that …

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Vintage Inspired Recipes Reinvented

We’re celebrating our 40th year of farming in Chester, NJ and are excited to share our humble roots with you. Farmer Kurt W. Alstede began farming on a couple acres of land located in Chester Township, N.J. back in 1982, learn more about it here. In honor of our 40th anniversary our culinary specialist has …

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40 years and growing

We’re celebrating our 40th year of farming in Chester, NJ and are excited to share our humble roots with you. Farmer Kurt W. Alstede started farming on a couple acres of farmland located in Chester Township, NJ back in 1982. The farmland was originally owned by the Mennen family purchasing the land in the late …

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spear some asparagus

Asparagus is a nutrient-dense perennial vegetable and a member of the lily family. It is only harvested during spring months in our area, so when it’s available be sure not miss the chance to savor some of these tender veggies. Remember that eating in season and eating local is more sustainable and tastes best! We …

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Lettuce Turn-ip the Beet for Greens

Greens is a common term used to describe the leaves of green vegetables that are eaten as food. Greens comprise a wide list of vegetables that we grow on our farm, including; kale, arugula, spinach, lettuce, sorrel, mizuna, swiss or rainbow chard, mustard greens, Tatsoi to name a few. Greens are not only limited to …

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Don’t be Average, Eat your Cabbage

Cabbage is from the genus of plants called Brassica also known as cruciferous vegetables and is a humble vegetable that oftentimes gets overlooked despite the fact that it is a main ingredient in staple foods such as sauerkraut, Cole slaw and kimchi . It’s a cold weather veggie with many varieties including; red & green, …

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Best Spuddies

Potatoes are a starchy tuber root vegetable with a very popular appeal and following. They are a veggie favorite and loved by so many depicted by their popularity in cuisines around the world. Each country has its own delicious way of preparing potatoes making them an all time favorite food for all ages. Potatoes are …

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Asian Kohlrabi Slaw

Alstede Farms Asian Kohlrabi Slaw Ingredients: 1 medium to large Alstede Farms kohlrabi, washed & peeled 1 small to medium carrot, peeled 2-3 scallions, root removed, thinly sliced white to medium green 1/2 red pepper thinly sliced 2-3 T parsley or cilantro minced 2 t sesame oil 1 T Alstede Farms honey 2 t rice …

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Lovin’ food from my head to-ma-toes

Winter can be a hard time to get enthusiastic about food. Often times we feel our diets match the bland colors of the landscape and the produce in season. Cooler temps, fewer daylight hours and limited outdoor activities take their toll on our desire to care for ourselves and cook healthy meals. Staying at your …

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