Season’s Eating’s

December welcomes many holidays around the world. Holidays are a beautiful time of the year, focused on gathering with family and friends and sharing foods and traditions. The beautiful commonality of all these unique holidays is the union of sharing foods around a table while honoring history and heritage.  We take great pleasure in being …

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Apples, very a-peeling to all

When is it time to pick apples?  Apples are in season from August through November here in the Northwest part of New Jersey. It’s time to pick apples by examining the fruit in the orchard, checking for size and color, and performing a field sample (tasting an apple). Our production team is expert at growing …

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Time to Bloom

The Next Season’s Rhythm Now that Memorial weekend is almost here, we can reflect on our beautiful spring and enter into the “unofficial days of summer”. Farmers are always in a seasonal rhythm with nature and there is a kind of comfort in that deep-rooted connection. Spring always brings with it optimism and opportunities for …

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Time to Bloom

The Next Season’s Rhythm Now that Memorial weekend is almost here, we can reflect on our beautiful spring and enter into the “unofficial days of summer”. Farmers are always in a seasonal rhythm with nature and there is a kind of comfort in that deep-rooted connection. Spring always brings with it optimism and opportunities for …

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Four-Season Farming

Early Harvesting We are enjoying an early harvest this year due to our practice of over-wintering. You may have seen select crops in the ground during the winter months and wondered if these are forgotten or intentional. These crops are deliberately planned by our farm production team and illustrate overwintering, an age-old custom of leaving …

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Turn-ip the Love for Rutabagas

Turnips and Rutabagas are categorized as an Itsy Bitsy crop on our farm. Itsy Bitsy crops mean they are a tinier crop in size by definition. They also occupy smaller acreage and are all planted using the same machine making them an overall smaller crop that gets categorized into this grouping. Other Itsy Bitsy crops …

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How to Stock the Perfect Winter Pantry

Align closer to the season by making sure to keep your pantry stocked with essential items that make mealtime fun and easier. Our culinary and education specialist, Miss Jenn, has put together her top picks to help you cook with ease and obtain optimum nutrition this Winter. Basic essentials are items that you should have on …

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Keep Calm and Carrot On

Carrots and parsnips are cool-season, root veggies that we plant in early spring and fall. Carrots that have been planted in spring will be available typically from June through November and then longer with cold storage. Parsnips are available, typically, in April & May and then again in October through December.  Root vegetables are low …

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Our love goes on-ion on

Onions are an aromatic root vegetables and are in season now and that makes us so happy. We grow several varieties of onions here on 3 acres on our farm including; red, yellow, white and shallots. We start onions from seed in our greenhouses in late winter. They sprout and grow and when temperatures are …

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The very a-peeling onion

Onions are an aromatic root vegetable belonging to the genus Allium and are related to chives, shallots, leeks and garlic. These root vegetables are in season this time of year and are provided just in time by nature to help keep us healthy. Onions contain antioxidants and natural sulfuric compounds that health experts say may …

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Lett-uce Pledge to Reduce Food Waste

Food waste comprises approximately 30-40 percent of the food supply in the US, according to a USDA estimated study. The USDA and EPA are working together to solve this problem and we would like to help by providing you with these tips for reducing food waste in your home.  Buy Local Start out by buying …

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Rutabaga Three Ways

Roasted Rutabaga 1 medium or 2 small rutabaga 1-2 T butter and olive oil salt and pepper Wash and peel the rutabaga. Cut into a small dice. Preheat the oven to 425. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet. Melt the butter into the heated oil over medium heat. Add the rutabaga and sauté …

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