Regenerative Agriculture in Progress

If you visited our farm during our Springtime Festival you would have seen the regenerative agriculture work we are doing here on our farm namely on the hill overlooking the orchards. Restoring this land back into productivity will help with sequestering carbon. When carbon is stored in the earth, there is less carbon in the atmosphere thus reducing the greenhouse gas effect lessening the impacts of climate change. Planting Christmas trees on this type of hilly landscape also helps the environment by reducing water runoff and cleaning the air while providing homes for wildlife and pollinators.

Watch our team in action planting over an acre of various types of Christmas tree transplants adding to our existing acreage.  Did you know that it can take up to 7 years to grow an average Christmas Tree height of 6-7 feet dependent on the size of the transplant and growing conditions. We invite you visit us and check out the future home of our cut your own Christmas Trees!

Learn more about our sustainable and regenerative farming practices on our website.

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