Home> Recipes> Vegetable Crepes

Vegetable Crepes

This is a great recipe that I can remember preparing many years ago. I lost the recipe and found it again in a cookbook I picked up last week on vacation. The original recipe is from
“The Vegetarian Epicure”

3 T olive oil
3/4 c chopped onion
¾ c chopped scallion
2 cloves of garlic mince
1 ½ c bell peppers diced

Heat the olive oil in a large skillet and sauté the onion, scallions, garlic and green pepper until the onion is transparent and the peppers are a little soft.
Add: 2 c peeled and diced tomatoes and increase the heat.

Stir in :
1 t dried basil (or 1 T fresh)
1 t dried parsley
And season with Salt and pepper to taste. Remove from the heat and allow to cool.

For the batter:
2 eggs
1/3 c milk
Beat the eggs and add the milk, mix until well blended

1 T melted butter

Sift in:
1/3 c flour, And mix until well blended. If the batter is lumpy, strain before adding the vegetable mixture.
Allow the mixture to sit for about ½ hour.
When the vegetables are cooled stir them into the batter. Melt a little butter in the bottom of a heavy skillet. Butter should sizzle and turn golden brown. Be careful not to burn. Pour a little less than a ¼ c of batter into the pan while you tilt and twirl the pan to cover the bottom with
batter. Fry to a golden brown and then turn the crepe to brown the other side. Arrange the crepes on a jelly roll pan.

Mix together:
¼ lb grated Gruyere cheese
2 T grated Parmesan cheese
top the crepes with a tablespoon of cheese. Heat in the oven until the crepes sizzle and the cheese melts.

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