Home> Recipes> Turkey French Dip

Turkey French Dip

¼ cup leftover cranberry sauce
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
2 tablespoons apple or mango chutney, coarsely chopped
2 cups leftover shredded turkey meat
1 ⅓ cups warm gravy
Salt, as needed
1 cup leftover stuffing
1 ounce mild blue cheese, crumbled (optional)
2 hoagie rolls, split

1.    In a small bowl, whisk together cranberry sauce, mayonnaise and chutney. In a small pot, heat together turkey and 2/3 cup of the gravy.

2.    Bring a small pot of water to a boil. Place remaining gravy in a serving dish and stir in enough boiling water to make it thin enough to use as a sandwich dip. It should be like a rich broth. Season with salt if needed.

3.    Spread chutney mixture over cut side of bread halves. Make sandwiches with turkey, stuffing and blue cheese, if you like. Cut sandwiches in half and dip in the warm, thin gravy as you eat them.

Adapted from Eric Klein, Spago, Las Vegas

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