Home> Recipes> Swiss Chard with Garbanzo Beans and Fresh Tomatoes

Swiss Chard with Garbanzo Beans and Fresh Tomatoes

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 shallot, chopped
2 green onions, chopped
1/2 cup canned garbanzo beans, drained
salt and pepper to taste
1 bunch red Swiss chard, rinsed and chopped
1 tomato, chopped
1/2 lemon, juiced

Heat olive oil in a large skillet. Stir in shallot and green onions; cook and stir for 3 to 5 minutes, or until soft and fragrant. Stir in garbanzo beans, and season with salt and pepper; heat
through. Place chard in pan, and cook until wilted. Add  chopped tomato, squeeze lemon juice over greens, and heat through. Plate, and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Did you know? Chard: Is chock-full of Nutrition
A one-cup serving of boiled Swiss chard contains a only 35 calories, yet chard provides:
Vitamin K—that is important for blood clotting. There is more than 600 percent of the recommended daily value.
Vitamin A–More than 100 percent of the recommended daily value. Important in visual health, clear soft skin.
Vitamin C–42 percent of the recommended daily value. Helps your immune system; protects cells against damage.
Magnesium– Helps bone health, magnesium is an important part in muscle function. There is 47 percent of the daily requirement in Chard!
Potassium–20 percent of the recommended daily value. Potassium helps maintain normal blood pressure levels and aids heart function.
Iron–50 % of the recommended daily value. Helps prevent anemia; can boost energy; carries oxygen in the blood.
Vitamin E–22 percent of the recommended daily value. Acts as an antioxidant; helps protect cells against damage.
Dietary fiber–14 percent of the recommended daily value. Can reduce high cholesterol levels and promotes intestinal health.

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