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Summer Bean Salad

We will have green beans, wax beans and Italian beans all summer long.  This recipe with the variations can be adapted to any bean combination.

1 lb of beans
2 Tbsp. red wine vinegar
4 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 small red onion, thinly sliced
salt & pepper to taste

This is a very simple, delicious way to prepare any type of string bean, and it makes a great summer salad or cold vegetable side dish.
Simply wash and trim the beans cut in ½ and boil in salted water for 5-8 minutes. They should be fully cooked, tender but not soft. Drain the beans and immediately plunge into cold water to stop the cooking.
Drain completely and toss with the red onion, salt & pepper, oil and vinegar.
Serve chilled or at room temperature.

Note: Boil the green beans separately from the wax beans.

You may vary this recipe by simply adding different vegetables or herbs to taste.

1.    With the red onion add some chopped mint
2.    Instead of red onion and mint add chopped basil and garlic.
3.    Add a little chopped tomato and chopped cucumber with the basil and garlic.

To freeze beans:
Blanch washed beans in boiling water for 1 minute.  Plunge into an ice water bath to cool. Drain and pat dry with clean dish towels.  Freeze in quart-sized freezer bags

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