Home> Recipes> Spicy Pickled Broccoli
Broccoli Green

Spicy Pickled Broccoli

1 bunch broccoli (about 1 1/5 pounds), florets and peeled, sliced stems
3 stems chopped green garlic (include plenty of the green since it’s just for flavor!) or 2 tbsp ‘regular’ chopped garlic
1 tbsp dill seeds
1 tbsp coarsely grated (or chopped) ginger
1 tbsp yellow mustard seeds
1 tbsp vegetable oil
2 1/2 cups white wine vinegar
2 1/2 cups water
1 tsp pickling or other uniodized salt (often called sea or kosher too, I think)

In a large bowl, toss the broccoli with the next 5 ingredients.
Pack the mixture into a 2-quart jar.
Combine the vinegar with water and dissolve the salt in the liquid mixture.
Pour the liquid over the broccoli.
Cap the jar.
Store the jars in the refrigerator for at least a week before eating.It should keep in the fridge for at least several weeks.
Yields 2 quarts
Adapted from The Joy of Pickling

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