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Slaw Recipe

Special thanks go out to Jessica Micek for her recipe suggestion- I can’t wait to try it myself!
This is an awesome 5 ingredient coleslaw recipe that travels well (no mayo).

Mother-In-Law Slaw

I have no idea where the name came from. I know that it was passed to my boyfriend’s mom from her mother in law, and somehow I got a hold of it. If you ask me it has all the attributes a mother in law could have, sweet, salty, a bit sour, I’ll stop before I get in trouble…
1 small head of green cabbage
3 stalks of celery
1 green bell pepper
4 spring onions (scallions)
1/2 c white vinegar
1/4 c vegetable oil
3/4c-1c White Sugar (personal preference)
1 tsp celery seed
1/2 tsp dry mustard
1tsp salt

Shred the cabbage on a grater (same size grater as you would for mozzarella cheese). Chop celery, pepper, and scallions into small pieces. Put in a mixing bowl and toss in the rest of the ingredients. You can eat it right then, but it gets better if you let it sit in the for a day or so (as long as you can keep yourself from “quality control” sampling every now and then). Enjoy!
(Note: you can double the other ingredients if using a large head of cabbage.)

Remember- We always welcome recipe suggestions from our members. Submit a recipe to trish@alstedefarms.com or jenn@alstedefarms.com and your recipe may be showcased in the next CSA packet!
As always, I hope everyone is enjoying their shares. Your feedback is always welcome, just give us a call or send me an email to trish@alstedefarms.com!

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