Home> Recipes> Rustic Radish Soup

Rustic Radish Soup

1 bunch radishes including their greens
tablespoons unsalted high grade butter
large red onion, chopped
large leek, sliced
perfect small potatoes (russet or yukon), cut into eighths
small achovy, packed in oil and chopped (optional)
cup flat leaf parsley
pinch of sea salt to taste, with a pinch of Maldon salt flakes for finish
pink or black fresh milled peppercorns, to taste
cups light cream or half and half
filtered water
flat leaf parsley and fresh radish rosettes for optional garnish

Sauté the chopped onion and leek in butter in a Dutch oven or braising pot.  Add the potatoes (peeled or not) and optional chopped anchovy. Cover with filtered water   (@1 inch above contents); add salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a simmer and cook until potatoes are completely soft (@30-35 minutes).

Add the fresh radish greens and chopped parsley. Simmer about 5 minutes. Let cool a bit and puree using an immersion blender or transfer to a blender/food processor.  Return to pot, if you have transferred to process. Bring back to a simmer.

Finely chop about 1/2-3/4 cup of the radishes and sprinkle with salt. Add these to the pot and cook until tender. Cut some additional raw radishes as rosettes and place in ice water in fridge for an optional garnish later if you like, either in the soup or alongside in a salad.  Stir the cream in to the pot, warm, but do not boil.

Serve with an optional garnish of chopped parsley with a radish rosette, finishing salt and pepper to taste, and a toasted and buttered slice of artisan bread.

From: the kitchen

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