Home> Recipes> Radish Top Soup

Radish Top Soup


1 medium onion, coarsely chopped
2 medium potatoes, peeled and cut into medium to large chunks
1 carrot, peeled and sliced
1 T butter
1 T olive oil
3 Cups, stemmed cleaned radish greens, 2 bunches
3 Cups vegetable stock, or a more as needed
Salt and pepper to taste
1/4 – 1/3 c heavy or light cream, if desired


Melt the butter and add the olive oil to a small Dutch oven or large saucepan. Over medium heat sauté the onions, potatoes, and carrots, sprinkle with a pinch of salt.  Cook until the vegetables are coated with the oil and starting to soften, 8-10 minutes. Stir occasionally or as needed to keep the vegetables from sticking or burning.  Adjust heat as needed.

Add 2 cups of vegetable broth or stock.  Simmer on medium heat until vegetables are almost fork tender,  about 10 minutes.  Add the radish greens and an additional cup of broth to the pan. Continue to simmer until greens are wilted and tender and the vegetables are soft.  Remove from the heat and set pan aside to allow the soup to cool.

Pour soup in batches into a blender to puree.  Pour soup back into the pan to keep warm and add a little cream if desired.  Serve warm with matchstick cuts of radish for garnish.

Optional: If vegetables are cut smaller and radish greens are chopped the vegetable soup can be served without blending. Soup can be served pureed or pureed with cream added.


Radish Toast: we find this to be a very nice compliment to the radish top soup.

Sour Dough Bread slices, lightly toasted
Boursin or Herb cheese or Herb Butter of choice
Shredded carrot
Thinly sliced radishes
Chopped parsley or dill, optional

Toast the bread, spread with a thin layer of cheese. In a small bowl mix together the radish slices and shredded carrot and season with salt and pepper to taste. Top the slices of bread with the vegetables.  And sprinkle with chopped herbs. Optional: Vegan Herb Cream Cheese or Butter


Recipe and photo by Jenn Borrealo, Alstede Farms Culinary & Educational Specialist 

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