Home> Recipes> Pumpkin Praline Torte

Pumpkin Praline Torte

3/4 c brown sugar
1/3 c butter
3 T heavy whipping cream
3/4 c pecans
In a heavy saucepan combine the first three ingredients.
Cook and stir over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Pour into 2 well-greased 9” pans. Sprinkle with pecans
4 large eggs
1 2/3 c sugar
1 c canola oil
2 c canned pumpkin or 1 cup canned and one cup fresh puree
1/4 t vanilla
2 c flour
2 t baking powder
2 t pumpkin pie spice
1 t baking soda
1 t salt

Beat the eggs add the sugar, oil and pumpkin.
Mix together the dry ingredients in a separate bowl.
Mix create a well and add the liquid mixture into the dry.
Mix until blended. Pour over the praline
Bake 350 for 30 – 35 minutes.
Allow to cool for 5 minutes and then invert to remove from the pan.

1 1/3 c heavy cream
1/4 c confectioner’s sugar
1/4 t vanilla
Beat the cream until soft peaks form and then add the sugar and vanilla. Beat to stiff peaks.
Place cake praline side up on a platter, spread 2/3 of the cream onto the cake. Top with the second layer. Spread remaining topping. Sprinkle with additional pecans if desired.

From Tasteofhome.com

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