Home> Recipes> Puff Pastry Caramel Apples

Puff Pastry Caramel Apples

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons sugar
1 egg
1 tablespoon water
4 medium Rome or Granny Smith apples, peeled
1/2 cup caramel sauce
10 ounce package of Trader Joe’s puff pastry (or another brand of puff pastry may be substituted)
Vanilla ice cream
Heat the oven to 400º.

Stir the cinnamon and sugar together in a small bowl. Beat the egg and water in a small bowl with a fork or whisk. Using a melon baller, scoop the cores out of the apples from the top, making sure to leave the bottoms intact.  Coat the apples with the cinnamon mixture.

Place the pastry sheets on a lightly floured surface. Roll each pastry sheet into a 10 x 9 inch rectangle. Cut each into 9 1-inch strips Moisten ends with water and then press 4 pastry strips together to make 1 strip. Repeat to make 4 long strips total. Cut 8 leaf shapes from the leftover pastry.  Starting at the bottom, wind 1 pastry strip around 1 apple, slightly overlapping the edges of the pastry. Repeat with the remaining pastry strips and apples. Top each with 2 pastry leaves. Spoon 2 tablespoons caramel sauce into each apple. Brush the apples with the egg wash.

Place the pastries onto a baking sheet covered with parchment or a Silpat. Chill briefly, 20-25 minutes.   Bake for 25 minutes or until the pastries are golden brown. Serve the pastries with the ice cream. Mine were dark enough, but not fully cooked at 25 minutes. You may want to lower the temp and bake another 10-15 minutes, depending on your oven and the size of your apples.


From: honestcooking.com




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