Home> Recipes> Pear & Walnut Salad with Pear Vinaigrette

Pear & Walnut Salad with Pear Vinaigrette

Yield: serves two


3 tablespoons Pear Juice

1 tablespoons Pear Infused Vinegar

2 tablespoons Olive Oil

2 sprigs of Thyme, leaves removed {discard stem}

1/8 teaspoon Fresh Ground Black Pepper


2 cups or so of Baby Romaine Leaves

1/2 a Pear, cored and thinly sliced

1 medium Shallot, sliced thin

2 tablespoons Toasted Walnuts, roughly chopped

2 tablespoons Blue Cheese

Coarse Sea Salt, to taste


In a medium bowl add the pear juice and vinegar. While whisking, slowly stream in the olive oil. Scrape the leaves off of two sprigs of thyme and add in the black pepper. Whisk to combine

Assemble romaine leaves and top with sliced pear, shallot, toasted walnuts, blue cheese and season with sea salt to taste. Drizzle with desired amount of the pear vinaigrette and enjoy!

From:simply scratch.com

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