Home> Recipes> Pasta with Garlicky Shrimp and Wilted Greens

Pasta with Garlicky Shrimp and Wilted Greens

Mizuna- Is considered a mustard green.  The taste is a mild combination of bitter and peppery. The leaves are dark green and fringed.  They appear to be serrated; the stalks are pencil thin and white or pale green. The leaves and stalks are edible.  Mizuna can be stir fried, pickled, added to soups and stews and it can be added to salads. Serve mizuna steamed as a bed under broiled fish.
Use Mizuna fairly quickly, it is considered a tender green and it will last only a few days in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.

Pasta with Garlicky Shrimp and Wilted Greens:

12 oz. to 1 lb. pasta — angel hair, linguini, farfel, rotini or any other favorite type of pasta
 1.5 to 2 lbs. shrimp — any medium to large, cleaned, peeled and deveined and pat dry, seasoned lightly with sea salt and pepper  
 6-8 cloves garlic — mashed/chopped fine
 4-5 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
 1 bunch greens that can easily wilt and cook relatively fast, such as spinach or mizuna (recommended), etc. — stalks and leaves cut into 2 inch lengths, triple washed
3/4 to 1 cup white wine or pasta water if omitting alcohol
 Salt and pepper to taste
Grated parmesan cheese
Boil pasta in salted water in pasta or stock pot, according to instructions. Drain when al dente or cooked to desired tenderness.
Heat olive oil in large pan or large Dutch oven. Note: You can begin this while pasta is being boiled to allow 3-4 minutes cooking time before you have to drain the pasta.
Add garlic and stir until lightly golden and fragrant.
Add shrimp to garlic and oil and stir until just about turning pink.
Add greens and mix well. If spinach, add after adding white wine.
Add white wine and boil away alcohol. If sauce dries/evaporates too quickly, add about 1/2 cup pasta water.
Add drained cooked pasta after veggies are just about cooked and mix well quickly.
Salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot, sprinkled with grated parmesan cheese.
Optional: squeeze fresh lemon juice for an additional layer of tartness.
Leftovers can be kept for 1-2 days in time for shrimp to be consumed while still fresh.

From: coppellsfarmersmarket.org

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