Home> Recipes> Pan Fried Broccoli Stems

Pan Fried Broccoli Stems

2 thick broccoli stems
2 tablespoons grape seed or olive oil
Salt to taste

Peel broccoli stems and slice crosswise, very thin, about 1/8 inch. (Don’t slice paper-thin because then it’s too easy to burn them.)
Heat a heavy skillet over high heat and add enough oil to coat well (about 1/8 inch of oil in the pan). When oil is hot add broccoli stems in a single layer. (Don’t add too many at a time because they will cook quickly and you need to turn them all over before they burn.) Turn heat down to medium-high and cook broccoli stems until edges are lightly brown, then flip over with tongs. Cook for 30 seconds to a minute more and remove from oil. Drain on paper towels, sprinkle with salt, and let cool for about a minute before eating. Continue with all of the broccoli stems, adding oil as needed.



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