Home> Recipes> Mini Blooming Onions
Alstede Fresh Mini Blooming Onions

Mini Blooming Onions

Steps to prepping the onions for frying:
Remove the skin from the onions. Using a sharp knife slice through the onion to make at least 6 to 7 sections without cutting all the way through the onion.
Place the onions in a bowl of cold water to help them open up.
Season the flour or gluten free flour with spices: garlic powder, paprika, cumin, oregano, salt, and pepper
Thoroughly mix the spices into the flour.
Take a few onions at a time and place them in the flour mixture. Try to get as much flour into each of the onion petals.
Transfer the lightly seasoned onions to the egg mixture and coat the onion throughout. Return the onions back to the flour mixture for a second coating. This helps the batter to stick to the onions.
Place all the onions in a prepared dish and chill for 10 minutes in the freezer before frying. This allows the batter to set before frying.
Use a deep fryer or a large skillet heat the oil to 350 degrees. Fry the onions in batches, until they are golden brown.
Transfer onions onto paper towels and season with salt and pepper.
Quickly transfer to a cooling rack or serving plate and serve with your favorite sauce to dip.

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