Home> Recipes> Kale Rice Bowl

Kale Rice Bowl

Use kale or collards or even chard or spinach.

olive oil or clarified butter
1 bunch of kale, de-stemmed, chopped/shredded
~3 cups cooked brown rice
To serve:
– capers, rinsed, dried, and pan-fried until blistered in butter
– a poached egg
– a dollop of salted Greek yogurt
– a big drizzle of good extra-virgin olive oil
– lots of za’atar
– toasted sesame seeds

In a large skillet or pot, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the kale and a couple pinches of salt. Sauté until the kale softens a bit and brightens just a minute or so. Stir in the rice, and cook until the rice is hot. If your rice is on the dry side, you might have to add a small splash of water.
Serve the kale rice topped with (preferably) all of the following: the capers, poached egg, yogurt drizzled with olive oil, and plenty of za’atar.

Serves 2-3.
Prep time: 5 min – Cook time: 5 min

From: 101cookbooks.com

Za’ atar is a Middle Eastern spice; here is a recipe for a substitute. I did not have the sumac so I just blended the other ingredients with some lemon zest for a great flavor.

2 T sumac
2 tablespoons thyme
1 tablespoon roasted sesame seeds
2 tablespoons marjoram
1 tablespoon oregano
1 teaspoon coarse salt
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes

Grind the sesame seeds in food processor or with mortar and pestle. Add remaining ingredients and mix well.

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