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Greens Recipes

Easy Greens, Olive & Sundried Tomato Sauté

Collards or Kale,
Beet Greens or kohlrabi greens
Garlic Sundried Tomatoes (in olive oil, if dried then soak first) Cured Kalamata Olives in olive oil Pine Nuts Olive Oil or Walnut Oil
Sea Salt

Heat oil in sauté pan. Chop kale and beet greens into bite size pieces. Chop green garlic and add to greens into sauté pan with sea salt and sauté until wilted depending on the greens you may need to add a little water to tenderize. Toss with sliced sundried tomatoes, pine nuts & olives. Great alone as side dish or served with a high protein grain called quinoa.
Growing up my parents would often use green’s with eggs either in a frittata or just eggs and left over greens. Another way to be sure there is no waste!  This dish is inexpensive, nutritious, and quick to prepare!

Greens and Eggs

Leftover kale, spinach, chard
2 Tbsp Olive oil
2 eggs
Salt & Pepper

Heat the oil in a small wok or frying pan. Add the greens and saute for 2-3 minutes, adding a few drops of water if necessary and a pinch of salt. Make two little pockets in the greens and break an egg in each, sprinkling with salt & pepper. Cover the pan with a lid and increase heat to high for 30 seconds to generate some steam. Immediately reduce heat to low and steam for 6-7 minutes or until the eggs are set. Avoid peeking if possible. Serve on toast for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Adapted from Cooking for One

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