Home> Recipes> Garlic Scapes with Whole Wheat Pasta

Garlic Scapes with Whole Wheat Pasta

A big bunch (CSA sized) of garlic scapes,  trim ends, cut into 2 inch  pieces,  should equal 4 cups
Rind of 2 lemons
 1/2 cup lemon juice
 6 tbsp. crushed garlic (play it by ear,  I love garlic and use a lot more >> than most people)
 whole wheat pasta (8 oz. spaghetti)
sea salt, black pepper
 1/4 cup olive oil
 2 tablespoons Benecol light or butter
 red pepper flakes  to taste
 savory herb 2 tablespoons,  finely chopped

Heat oil and butter in pan,  add garlic scapes & garlic once water  sizzles on pan.  After scapes are easy to put a fork in,  lower heat and  add savory and red pepper flakes, keep on low.
In the meantime, cook pasta, reserving 2 cups pasta water.   Cook scapes and garlic on high for 5-6 minutes, tossing occasionally.

Take a big bowl,  add pasta,  scape and garlic mixture,  zested lemon rind and juice, & red pepper flakes.  Add salt & pepper to your taste.  Add as much pasta water as you need to  make a sauce to your liking.

To make it a high protein meal, I add a cup of chickpeas.


From: CSA member Barbara Wyskowski




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