Home> Recipes> Freezing Zucchini and Squash

Freezing Zucchini and Squash

How to Freeze Zucchini and Summer Squash:

Start with fresh squash – as fresh as you can get. If there is a delay between harvesting and freezing, store it in the refrigerator.

Rinse the squash in plain cold water using your hands and possibly a soft towel.

Just take a sharp knife and cut of both ends. Slice 1/2-inch thick slices.

Prepare quickly or the squash will start to discolor.

Get the pot of boiling water ready (about 2/3 filled). At the same time prepare an ice/ ice water bath for after blanching.

Blanch for 3 minutes; start timing as soon as the squash is added to the boiling water. Cover and allow to boil for 3 minutes. Remove immediately with a slotted spoon to the ice bath. Cool completely, about 5 minutes. Be sure to drain thoroughly.

Place into portion size zip lock bags; remove all air from the bag.


Frozen squash is best used in casseroles, soups and stews

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