Home> Recipes> Daikon (Chinese radish) Puree

Daikon (Chinese radish) Puree

Many thanks to Virginia McDonnell who is sharing this recipe with us this week.

1 or so daikon radishes
1/2 tsp. dark sesame oil, or to taste
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tbsp. or more toasted sesame seeds

Peel, slice and boil daikon until soft.  Drain well, then mash with potato masher, put in large sieve or colander lined with tea towel, and press as much liquid out as you can. (You’d be amazed).  Mix with salt to taste and dark sesame oil.

Heat a small frying pan (no oil), add sesame seeds and toast, shaking often, until browned and fragrant.  Mix some in with puree and sprinkle
some on top.

This is yummy topping salmon, or for dipping kohlrabi, shrimp, green beans, or crackers.


Adapted from: Mark Bittman





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