Home> Recipes> French Horticultural Bean (Cranberry Bean) Cassoulet

French Horticultural Bean (Cranberry Bean) Cassoulet

French Horticultural Bean (Cranberry Beans)

1 1/2 c French Horticultural beans pick through to remove stones and leaves darkened beans, rinse and drain
5 c water
1/4 c olive oil
1/2 t Rustic Herbs, Herbs de Provence, or Tuscan herbs

Add the ingredients to a large saucepan. Bring the mixture to a rolling boil for 15 minutes. Cover and simmer on very low heat for an additional 20 minutes. Check the texture.
Remove from heat and cover for 30-40 minutes. Add salt to taste. Beans should be ready to use in the recipe.

French Horticultural Bean (Cranberry Beans) Cassoulet

While beans are cooking prepare the remaining ingredients:
3/4 lb. pork tenderloin cut into chunks
1/2-3/4 lb. smoked sausage or kielbasa cut into slices
2-3 red potatoes peeled and cubed

Heat olive oil in a medium skillet. Add the potatoes. Cook until lightly golden but not tender and cooked through
Remove and add a little more oil and 1/2 of the pork. Brown the chunks on all sides, do not cook through
Preheat the oven to 350
In a 2 qt. casserole dish spoon in 1 c of beans with 1 1/2c liquid.
Top with 1/2 of the meat and ½ of the potatoes top with ½ of the slices of sausage
Measure about 3/4 c beans onto a plate and mash. Layer over the sausage.
Top with 1 1/2 c beans, meats, potatoes and 2 c bean broth
Stock or broth can be substituted if you don’t have enough.
Cover with foil
Bake for 1- 1/2 hours Casserole should be bubbling.
Remove from the oven
Remove foil. Allow to sit 10 minutes before serving
Serve in warm bowls with crusty bread and a mixed green salad

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