Home> Recipes> Corn Ragout

Corn Ragout

3 ears corn
¾ c cup heavy cream
6 slices smoked bacon, diced
½-3/4 c cup tomato concasse (peeled, seeded and chopped tomato and juice)
3 minced shallots
½ c finely chopped onion
1 clove of garlic minced 1/4 cup dry white wine
2 T asiago cheese, grated
1 T minced parsley
Salt and pepper to taste

Cut the corn off the corncob, set aside. Cut each corncob in half.
In a small sauce pan, bring the corn cob and the cream to a soft boil, reduce heat and simmer for about ten minutes.
In a large sauté pan, brown the bacon, drain the bacon and chop, set aside
Drain all but one Tablespoon of the bacon fat.
Add tomatoes, shallot, onions and garlic, cook over medium heat for about five minutes.
Strain the cream-cob mixture, set aside. Discard the corn cobs.
Add the corn to the onion and cook for another five minutes.
Add the wine and cook for another two to three minutes.
Add the cream mixture and stir until thick. Do not allow the mixture to boil
Lower heat and add cheese and bacon season with salt and pepper.
Sprinkle with chopped fresh parsley.

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