Home> Recipes> Chili Pepper Plant

Chili Pepper Plant

Some of you may see a Chili pepper plant in your shares. They are one of the favorites here at the farm and one of my fondest memories when I think of my grandmother.

I am including a section from the CSA Produce Guide so that you will have the information you need readily available. These peppers can be used fresh off the plant and they can also be dried. My grandmother I remember would remove them from the plant and string them. My father would just hang the plant, usually in the garage. It is possible to dry them in the oven as well.

Chili pepper plants -will be delivered with a root attached, they cannot be planted.  The peppers are ready to be prepared in recipes or dried.

The plant can hang to dry the peppers in a sunny dry area for a few weeks, once they are dried they may be fried and then sprinkled over pasta or on dishes where you might add some hot pepper flakes. Another drying method is to take them off the plant and string them, under the stem and again hang them until they dry and then they can be ground.

Dry the peppers on a rack   Again this method will take a couple of weeks.

Dry in the oven at a very low temperature, the oven door should be open so that there is air flow. For this method, cut them in 1/2 first.

Peppers that are air dried can also be ornamental, hang them in the kitchen or they are also the peppers that are used in wreaths.

Use fresh: These peppers can be used in recipes as fresh hot peppers are used.


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