Home> Recipes> Care Tips For Strawberries

Care Tips For Strawberries

This information is for those of you who don’t eat all of the strawberries on the way home!

Remove the strawberries from the container.  DO NOT WASH!  Line a flat plastic or glass container with a paper towel. Place a single layer of fresh strawberries into the container.  Cover with paper towel and seal with the lid or plastic wrap. Strawberries will last up to 4 days or longer depending on your refrigerator.

Strawberries should be cleaned and hulled before freezing. I like to just wipe them with a soft moist cloth and then let them dry on paper towel Place them on a tray to freeze and then move them into a zip lock freezer bag and be sure to get out most of the air and they should be good for up to six months.

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