Caramelized Onion Quiche by Alstede Farms


2 large yellow onions, peeled and thinly sliced
1-2 TBSP. olive oil
1 tsp. balsamic vinegar (optional)
1 tsp. of salt and pepper or to taste
1 cup crumbled of shredded cheese of choice (we prefer gorgonzola)
1/2 cup cooked bacon or pancetta
4 large farm fresh eggs
1 cup heavy cream or may substitute half and half if desired.
1 sheet of premade pie crust found in the freezer aisle or 1 premade frozen pie crust shell.

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
Caramelize the onions:
Heat oil in a non-stick skillet over medium heat and add the onions sprinkled with 1/2 tsp salt allowing them to release moisture. Stirring frequently, the onions will begin to turn soft and translucent in about 10 minutes. Reduce the heat to medium-low, and continue to cook and scrape onions for 10-15 minutes longer or until the onions are brown and caramelized. If desired you may use a little balsamic vinegar at this stage to deglaze the pan and release some of the additional flavors to the onions. Remove from heat and let onions cool in the pan. Onions must be cooled completely before adding to the crust

Preparing the Pie Crust:
While the onions are cooking you may unroll your defrosted premade pie crust and lay to fit into your pie pan. Flute edges of the pie crust with your fingers or a tine of a fork. Place your pie crust in the freezer for 5 minutes to get cold while you are assembling the filling. (Alstede Fresh kitchen hint …The colder the crust the crispier it will be once cooked.) If using a frozen preformed pie crust shell you may skip this stage keeping the pie crust in the freezer until ready.

Assembling the Filling:
In a large bowl beat together 4 eggs, 1 cup cream, and salt and pepper to taste and set aside. Remove your pie crust from the freezer and line the bottom with cheese of your choice, we prefer crumbled gorgonzola. Add your cooled onions layer next on top of the cheese into your pie pan and then pour in the beaten egg mixture to cover. You may sprinkle in meat of choice here or leave out the meat altogether if preferred. We like using cooked bacon or pancetta to enhance the earthy flavors of this quiche.

Time to Bake:
Place the quiche into the oven preheated to 425 and bake for 15 minutes. Then lower the heat to 375 degrees and cook for another 20-25 minutes or until lightly golden and the center is set and not runny. Allow to cool 15 minutes before serving. May be served warm or cold or at room temp.

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