Home> Recipes> Beet Rosti with Rosemary

Beet Rosti with Rosemary

Many thanks to our CSA member Virginia McDonnell for sharing this recipe with us.

An incredibly sweet, colorful side dish, it is also good with carrots, parsnips, rutabaga, kohlrabi, sweet potatoes, turnips.


about 1 ½ lbs. beets

1 tsp. coarsely chopped rosemary

1 tsp. salt

¼ c. all-purpose flour

2 tbsp. butter


1.  Trim and peel beets.  Grate in food processor or by hand.  Put a medium to large nonstick skillet over medium heat.


2.  Toss the grated beets in a bowl with the rosemary & salt, then add about half the flour; toss well, add the rest of the flour and toss again.


3.  Put the butter in the skillet and heat until it begins to turn nut brown.  Scrape the beet mixture into the skilled and press it down with a spatula so that it fills the pan.  Adjust the heat so that the pancake sizzles without burning and cook, shaking the pan occasionally until the bottom is nicely crisped, 6-8 minutes.  Slide the cake out onto a plate, top with another plate, invert the 2 plates and slide the cake back into the pan.  Continue to cook, until the second side is browned, another 6-8 minutes.  Cut into wedges, sprinkle with more salt if you like, and serve.


From: How to Cook Everything, Mark Bittman



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