Home> Recipes> Apple Egg Rolls

Apple Egg Rolls

This recipe could be a fun project for the whole family.  The little pies remind me of the apple pies that were once available at Mc Donald’s, only better because they are homemade!

4 medium apples

2 T butter

2 T brown sugar


Peel and chop apples.  Apple pieces should be tiny. Melt butter in a sauté pan on medium heat.  Add the brown sugar and cinnamon.  Stir to combine.  Add the apples and sauté until apples begin to soften.  3-4 minutes.  Remove from heat, chill.

Divide apple mixture between 12 eggroll wrappers Roll egg rolls and seal with a little water if needed. Be sure the egg roll doesn’t feel wet, fry in hot oil until golden brown 1-2 minutes, on each side.

Drain on paper towels. Dust generously with powdered sugar.


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