Home> Recipes> Antipasto Wedge Salad
Alstede Fresh Antipasto Wedge Salad

Antipasto Wedge Salad

Marinated Artichoke hearts, sliced thin, reserve marinade
Black and green olives, halved
Roasted red peppers, sliced
Cherry tomatoes, halved or quartered
Red onion, thin slices
Mix ingredients together in a small bowl.

For the dressing:
1-2 cloves garlic
Olive oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Salt and pepper

Place the garlic into the bowl of a food chopper and process to mince the garlic. Add ½ c olive oil, 6 basil leaves, 2-3 T balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. Process until blended.
Mix in a little of the marinade from the artichoke hearts to thin the dressing if needed.
Add some of the dressing to the olive bowl and toss. Spoon the mixture over the wedge of lettuce or torn lettuce leaves. Drizzle with a little more dressing as needed.

For the carnivore: add some Julienne slices of salami and prosciutto when ready to serve

Recipe by Jenn Borealo, Alstede Farms Culinary & Educational Specialist

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