Peeling back the layers of an onion

This week’s eating in season highlight we are peeling back the layers of the flavorful onion. Onions are in the Allium genus family of flowering plants which include garlic, shallots, leeks and chives. These vegetables contain high amounts of plant compounds along with vitamins and minerals believed to have many health benefits. Onions are eaten in a variety of different ways including raw, marinated, pickled, sauteed, grilled, stuffed, caramelized, roasted, fried or baked.
Statistics have shown that U.S farmers plant about 125,000 acres of onions each year. We allocate approximately 3 acres for cultivating our onion crops to grow a variety of red, yellow & white onions on our farm. We use our homegrown onions in chef prepared soups, dips, salsas and a variety of other meals sold in our farm store.
We invite you to enjoy connecting with eating in season with our recipe for Caramelized Onion Quiche. Get the recipe by clicking here
We encourage you to enjoy time with the ones you love by cooking together! Not only will you be formulating healthy meals, you will also be creating healthy memories!
From our Farm Kitchen with Love

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