Crazy for Kugel


Crazy for Kugel

Crazy for Kugel

Passover or Easter can be a traditional time for eating this delicious Jewish, and some say German, inspired baked casserole. Culinary Specialists say Kugel is basically a baked casserole that begins with a starch then with the addition of some eggs and fat turns into a yummy dish. Typically the starch is potato based for… Read More »

Passover or Easter can be a traditional time for eating this delicious Jewish, and some say German, inspired baked casserole. Culinary Specialists say Kugel is basically a baked casserole that begins with a starch then with the addition of some eggs and fat turns into a yummy dish. Typically the starch is potato based for… Read More »

Bunchy Goodness


Bunchy Goodness

Bunchy Goodness

Spinach is a cool weather vegetable rich in vitamins, minerals, nutrients, antioxidants and fiber. Belonging to the amaranth family, spinach is also related to beets and quinoa. It is said that this vegetable originated from Persia and that during medieval times the green pigment may have been used as ink for artwork.  We grow the… Read More »

Spinach is a cool weather vegetable rich in vitamins, minerals, nutrients, antioxidants and fiber. Belonging to the amaranth family, spinach is also related to beets and quinoa. It is said that this vegetable originated from Persia and that during medieval times the green pigment may have been used as ink for artwork.  We grow the… Read More »

It’s Thyme to Learn about Herbs


It’s Thyme to Learn about Herbs

It’s Thyme to Learn about Herbs

Culinary herbs are herbaceous plants meaning they have non-woody stems, their above ground growth typically dies back in winter and may have underground plant parts to it. Herbs are a renewable resource used to add flavor and color to all types of meal for centuries. Herbs have also been known in history to be used… Read More »

Culinary herbs are herbaceous plants meaning they have non-woody stems, their above ground growth typically dies back in winter and may have underground plant parts to it. Herbs are a renewable resource used to add flavor and color to all types of meal for centuries. Herbs have also been known in history to be used… Read More »

Simply Rad-ishing


Simply Rad-ishing

Simply Rad-ishing

Radishes are an annual, edible, root veggie in the Brassicaceae family. The word radish originated from the Latin word “Radix” meaning  root. Radish is related to kale, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and mustard greens. They all typically have a light colored flesh inside however the skin color may vary to include white, yellow, pink, purple, black… Read More »

Radishes are an annual, edible, root veggie in the Brassicaceae family. The word radish originated from the Latin word “Radix” meaning  root. Radish is related to kale, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and mustard greens. They all typically have a light colored flesh inside however the skin color may vary to include white, yellow, pink, purple, black… Read More »

Don’t be Average, Eat your Cabbage


Don’t be Average, Eat your Cabbage

Don’t be Average, Eat your Cabbage

Cabbage is from the genus of plants called Brassica also known as cruciferous vegetables and is a humble vegetable that oftentimes gets overlooked despite the fact that it is a main ingredient in staple foods such as sauerkraut, Cole slaw and kimchi . It’s a cold weather veggie with many varieties including; red & green,… Read More »

Cabbage is from the genus of plants called Brassica also known as cruciferous vegetables and is a humble vegetable that oftentimes gets overlooked despite the fact that it is a main ingredient in staple foods such as sauerkraut, Cole slaw and kimchi . It’s a cold weather veggie with many varieties including; red & green,… Read More »

Plant, Grow, Eat, Repeat

Alstede Fresh Sorrel

Plant, Grow, Eat, Repeat

Plant, Grow, Eat, Repeat

Sorrel is a leafy green vegetable that can also be used as an herb and cultures around the world have been growing and using it for centuries. Sorrel is from the knotweed family, the same botanical family as buckwheat and rhubarb and you may hear it going by another name “dock”.  You may have seen… Read More »

Sorrel is a leafy green vegetable that can also be used as an herb and cultures around the world have been growing and using it for centuries. Sorrel is from the knotweed family, the same botanical family as buckwheat and rhubarb and you may hear it going by another name “dock”.  You may have seen… Read More »

Don’t stop be-leaf’in


Don’t stop be-leaf’in

Don’t stop be-leaf’in

Mizuna is a highly nutritious green leafy cruciferous vegetable in the Brassica family, related to its cousins cabbage and broccoli. Low in calories, high in several important vitamins and minerals such as A, C, K & lutein, it is also an excellent source of antioxidants and flavonoids that are healthy for the body.  Mizuna  is… Read More »

Mizuna is a highly nutritious green leafy cruciferous vegetable in the Brassica family, related to its cousins cabbage and broccoli. Low in calories, high in several important vitamins and minerals such as A, C, K & lutein, it is also an excellent source of antioxidants and flavonoids that are healthy for the body.  Mizuna  is… Read More »

Oh Kale Yeah


Oh Kale Yeah

Oh Kale Yeah

There is not a single vegetable that receives a more diverse reaction than Kale. Some people love it, while others simply loathe it without even trying it, and there are some who are in-between on it’s favoritism. We’re here to help you understand how great kale is once you learn how delicious it can taste,… Read More »

There is not a single vegetable that receives a more diverse reaction than Kale. Some people love it, while others simply loathe it without even trying it, and there are some who are in-between on it’s favoritism. We’re here to help you understand how great kale is once you learn how delicious it can taste,… Read More »

Love from the bottom of our Tarts

Valentine Linzer Tart Cookies

Love from the bottom of our Tarts

Love from the bottom of our Tarts

The Linzer torte is a traditional Austrian pastry said to be named after the city of Linz , Austria. The Linzer torte is a type of shortcake topped with fruit preserves and sliced nuts. Linzer tarts are not only pretty to look at but their buttery, flaky & sweet flavor makes them a Christmas cookie… Read More »

The Linzer torte is a traditional Austrian pastry said to be named after the city of Linz , Austria. The Linzer torte is a type of shortcake topped with fruit preserves and sliced nuts. Linzer tarts are not only pretty to look at but their buttery, flaky & sweet flavor makes them a Christmas cookie… Read More »

Best Spuddies


Best Spuddies

Best Spuddies

Potatoes are a starchy tuber root vegetable with a very popular appeal and following. They are a veggie favorite and loved by so many depicted by their popularity in cuisines around the world. Each country has its own delicious way of preparing potatoes making them an all time favorite food for all ages. Potatoes are… Read More »

Potatoes are a starchy tuber root vegetable with a very popular appeal and following. They are a veggie favorite and loved by so many depicted by their popularity in cuisines around the world. Each country has its own delicious way of preparing potatoes making them an all time favorite food for all ages. Potatoes are… Read More »

The very a-peeling onion


The very a-peeling onion

The very a-peeling onion

Onions are an aromatic root vegetable belonging to the genus Allium and are related to chives, shallots, leeks and garlic. These root vegetables are in season this time of year and are provided just in time by nature to help keep us healthy. Onions contain antioxidants and natural sulfuric compounds that health experts say may… Read More »

Onions are an aromatic root vegetable belonging to the genus Allium and are related to chives, shallots, leeks and garlic. These root vegetables are in season this time of year and are provided just in time by nature to help keep us healthy. Onions contain antioxidants and natural sulfuric compounds that health experts say may… Read More »

Here Today, Gone Tomato


Here Today, Gone Tomato

Here Today, Gone Tomato

Alstede Farms is proud to offer locally made and sourced products in our farm store to compliment our homegrown, sustainably grown produce and our other freshly prepared items. Eating locally is important to us on many levels and we know it is also important to you.  Eating locally sourced food from small business owners not… Read More »

Alstede Farms is proud to offer locally made and sourced products in our farm store to compliment our homegrown, sustainably grown produce and our other freshly prepared items. Eating locally is important to us on many levels and we know it is also important to you.  Eating locally sourced food from small business owners not… Read More »