All of a Spuden


All of a Spuden

All of a Spuden

All of a sudden we shifted from our summer harvest to fall harvest which includes root crops, such as beets & carrots, along with tuber crops, such as potatoes. We grow six different varieties of potatoes on approximately 6 acres of farmland, varieties include russet, red, white, Yukon gold, purple, and fingerling. It’s no mistake that… Read More »

All of a sudden we shifted from our summer harvest to fall harvest which includes root crops, such as beets & carrots, along with tuber crops, such as potatoes. We grow six different varieties of potatoes on approximately 6 acres of farmland, varieties include russet, red, white, Yukon gold, purple, and fingerling. It’s no mistake that… Read More »

Garlic Scape Season


Garlic Scape Season

Garlic Scape Season

You may have heard about garlic scapes and their alluring flavor and uncommonly unique taste. Garlic scapes are a vegetable, an aromatic, and also an herb all in one. They are the tender stem and flower buds of a garlic plant and grow straight up from a garlic bulb and then curl a bit by… Read More »

You may have heard about garlic scapes and their alluring flavor and uncommonly unique taste. Garlic scapes are a vegetable, an aromatic, and also an herb all in one. They are the tender stem and flower buds of a garlic plant and grow straight up from a garlic bulb and then curl a bit by… Read More »

Geek over Leeks


Geek over Leeks

Geek over Leeks

Leeks are in the allium family related to onions, garlic, chives, shallots, ramps and scallions. One taste and you will be able to tell that very easily. Leeks have a sweet, milder onion flavor that works so well as a base for soups, stews, pasta dishes. It’s a long bulbous vegetable with white flesh and… Read More »

Leeks are in the allium family related to onions, garlic, chives, shallots, ramps and scallions. One taste and you will be able to tell that very easily. Leeks have a sweet, milder onion flavor that works so well as a base for soups, stews, pasta dishes. It’s a long bulbous vegetable with white flesh and… Read More »

Bunchy Goodness


Bunchy Goodness

Bunchy Goodness

Spinach is a cool weather vegetable rich in vitamins, minerals, nutrients, antioxidants and fiber. Belonging to the amaranth family, spinach is also related to beets and quinoa. It is said that this vegetable originated from Persia and that during medieval times the green pigment may have been used as ink for artwork.  We grow the… Read More »

Spinach is a cool weather vegetable rich in vitamins, minerals, nutrients, antioxidants and fiber. Belonging to the amaranth family, spinach is also related to beets and quinoa. It is said that this vegetable originated from Persia and that during medieval times the green pigment may have been used as ink for artwork.  We grow the… Read More »

Best Spuddies


Best Spuddies

Best Spuddies

Potatoes are a starchy tuber root vegetable with a very popular appeal and following. They are a veggie favorite and loved by so many depicted by their popularity in cuisines around the world. Each country has its own delicious way of preparing potatoes making them an all time favorite food for all ages. Potatoes are… Read More »

Potatoes are a starchy tuber root vegetable with a very popular appeal and following. They are a veggie favorite and loved by so many depicted by their popularity in cuisines around the world. Each country has its own delicious way of preparing potatoes making them an all time favorite food for all ages. Potatoes are… Read More »

Lettuce enjoy more fruits & veggies

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Lettuce enjoy more fruits & veggies

Lettuce enjoy more fruits & veggies

We all know the benefits of incorporating more fruits and vegetables into our diets, however, we also know that it can be a daunting chore for some. We are here to offer fresh inspirations for the new year and to show you how easy and fun it can be to get that daily dose of… Read More »

We all know the benefits of incorporating more fruits and vegetables into our diets, however, we also know that it can be a daunting chore for some. We are here to offer fresh inspirations for the new year and to show you how easy and fun it can be to get that daily dose of… Read More »

Totally Kale-in it!


Totally Kale-in it!

Totally Kale-in it!

As the new year approaches our thoughts tend to focus on healthy foods and eating Kale in season should be top of the list. Kale is truly one of nature’s superfoods as it’s packed with nutrient dense vitamins, minerals, plant sterols, and phytonutrients. Don’t know what all that means? Not to worry, all you need… Read More »

As the new year approaches our thoughts tend to focus on healthy foods and eating Kale in season should be top of the list. Kale is truly one of nature’s superfoods as it’s packed with nutrient dense vitamins, minerals, plant sterols, and phytonutrients. Don’t know what all that means? Not to worry, all you need… Read More »

Your Ultimate Guide to a Farm Fresh Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Feast

Your Ultimate Guide to a Farm Fresh Thanksgiving

Your Ultimate Guide to a Farm Fresh Thanksgiving

Holidays are a time for being with the ones you love and creating wonderful memories around the table. Whether you are cooking the holiday meal for the first time or are a seasoned professional, this ultimate guide can help you be prepared to enjoy the day and make the most of your celebration. We have… Read More »

Holidays are a time for being with the ones you love and creating wonderful memories around the table. Whether you are cooking the holiday meal for the first time or are a seasoned professional, this ultimate guide can help you be prepared to enjoy the day and make the most of your celebration. We have… Read More »

Using Produce’s Tops & Bottoms


Using Produce’s Tops & Bottoms

Using Produce’s Tops & Bottoms

Learning to use the entire part of fruits and vegetables is not only sensible, it’s environmentally friendly, more economical, and healthier for you.  Purchasing whole vegetables from the growing source ensures fresher produce and is a better value than packaged food, not to mention, without any of the packaging waste. You can stretch your food… Read More »

Learning to use the entire part of fruits and vegetables is not only sensible, it’s environmentally friendly, more economical, and healthier for you.  Purchasing whole vegetables from the growing source ensures fresher produce and is a better value than packaged food, not to mention, without any of the packaging waste. You can stretch your food… Read More »

Savor Eating In Season this Spring


Savor Eating In Season this Spring

Savor Eating In Season this Spring

Right now we have an array of fresh vegetables and herbs that are in season on our farm, such as; asparagus, spinach radishes, arugula, lettuces, leeks, parsley, cilantro, dill, & mint. These items are in abundance right now and you may want to consider storing some for use later in the year. We’ve put this… Read More »

Right now we have an array of fresh vegetables and herbs that are in season on our farm, such as; asparagus, spinach radishes, arugula, lettuces, leeks, parsley, cilantro, dill, & mint. These items are in abundance right now and you may want to consider storing some for use later in the year. We’ve put this… Read More »

Digging into Spring with Our Culinary & Educational Specialist


Digging into Spring with Our Culinary & Educational Specialist

Digging into Spring with Our Culinary & Educational Specialist

Spring is a wonderful time of renewal and the perfect time for you to try something new like planting a garden or a window box garden. Enjoy these tips and tricks on how to grow the perfect herb garden at home provided by Jenn Borrealo, our Culinary & Educational Specialist. Start to plan your garden… Read More »

Spring is a wonderful time of renewal and the perfect time for you to try something new like planting a garden or a window box garden. Enjoy these tips and tricks on how to grow the perfect herb garden at home provided by Jenn Borrealo, our Culinary & Educational Specialist. Start to plan your garden… Read More »

Digging into Spring with Jenn Borrealo


Digging into Spring with Jenn Borrealo

Digging into Spring with Jenn Borrealo

Spring is a wonderful time of renewal and the perfect time for you to try something new like planting a garden or a window box garden. Enjoy these tips and tricks on how to grow the perfect herb garden at home provided by Jenn Borrealo, our Culinary & Educational Specialist. Start to plan your garden… Read More »

Spring is a wonderful time of renewal and the perfect time for you to try something new like planting a garden or a window box garden. Enjoy these tips and tricks on how to grow the perfect herb garden at home provided by Jenn Borrealo, our Culinary & Educational Specialist. Start to plan your garden… Read More »