Oh Kale Yeah

There is not a single vegetable that receives a more diverse reaction than Kale. Some people love it, while others simply loathe it without even trying it, and there are some who are in-between on it’s favoritism. We’re here to help you understand how great kale is once you learn how delicious it can taste, how simple & versatile it is, and how good it is for you. 

Kale is a member of the cabbage family, a cruciferous vegetable like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens, Bok choy and Brussel sprouts. Kale is highly nutritious, rich in fiber and low in calories and contains essential vitamins and nutrients including; Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Vitamin A, C, & K along with beneficial Phytochemicals, Carotenoids & Flavonoids.  As you may know, health experts continually recommend incorporating more leafy greens into your diet and kale’s nutritional accomplishments and cooking versatility makes it easy and delicious to enjoy eating more greens. 

There are so many ways to enjoy kale both raw and cooked which adds to its appeal. The easiest way to enjoy kale is chopped raw into salads or dropped in soups toward the end of cooking. The trick is to remove the stem before using as the stem is rather woody and too tough to eat. Kale is versatile enough that you can sauté it in a pan with garlic and olive oil and add it to noodle dishes or stir fry it with meat and other vegetables to create a healthy way to enjoy your daily greens. Adding chopped kale into omelets is easy or try blending it raw into smoothies for a healthy boost that is disguised for those who prefer kale in this manner. For a healthy twist try pureeing some kale and other greens to make a pesto like sauce that you can use in casserole dishes or baked pasta meals. Substituting kale for lettuce on sandwiches or using as taco or burrito shells is another quick way to increase your kale intake. Another way to enjoy the healthy benefits of kale is to bake them in the oven to create kale chips that everyone will love. Try adding sautéed kale with garlic as a new favorite topping to pizza!  

Our culinary and educational specialist uses kale in her recipes all year round and is always re-inventing new recipes on our website, just for you! Check out her easy recipes for kale & steak quesadilla, kale & brown rice, kale & gnocchi bake or turnip & kale gratin to start eating farm to table tonight. The more you try it, the more we know you will just love it and it will become a beloved dish for your family for all time. 

Best wishes from our farm kitchen to yours! xo




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