How to Stock the Perfect Winter Pantry

Align closer to the season by making sure to keep your pantry stocked with essential items that make mealtime fun and easier. Our culinary and education specialist, Miss Jenn, has put together her top picks to help you cook with ease and obtain optimum nutrition this Winter.

Basic essentials are items that you should have on hand in your pantry and replenished as needed. These basic items are the building blocks of homemade meals. Aromatics provide deep-rounded foundational flavor and scent to foods. Besides adding the foundation to a dish, aromatics also contain their own healthful benefits. Hearty root vegetables are another component to the perfectly stocked pantry and create the body, flavor and enhance nutrition of your dishes. Root vegetables provide sustenance along with antioxidants along with vitamins and minerals. Herbs and spices are another essential in your pantry and build the flavor profiles along with providing the overall flavor of a dish. Herbs and spices have been known to have their own health qualities and characteristics. Nuts, seeds and dried fruit are an easy and great way to add texture and an additional layer of flavor and nourishment to recipes. Grains and pastas are another foundation to quick and delicious meals. Easily add fresh or roasted veggies to grains and pastas to create a satisfying meal. Honey is great to have on hand in Winter for it’s antioxidant properties and to calm coughs. Nut butters are a great source of protein and fiber and are quick way to enhance nutrition in meals. Refrigerator essentials are just that, items to have on hand in your fridge making mealtime delicious and satisfying.

Best wishes from our farm kitchen to yours! XO

Bring this Winter Pantry List with you when you go shopping, or conveniently shop for these items online on our website.


Essentials – apple cider vinegar, kosher salt, pepper, olive oil, all-purpose flour, canned chicken stock, canned beans, canned tomatoes

Aromatics – shallots, onions, garlic, chilies, ginger

Hearty Root Vegetable – potatoes, winter squash, beets, carrots, turnips, rutabaga, parsnips

Herbs/Spices – fresh or dried herbs and spices such as; curry powder, sage, Italian herbs, nutmeg, and thyme.

Nuts, Seeds, Dried Fruit – almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, pepitas, dates, cranberries, apricots

Grains & Pastas – brown rice, noodles, risotto, quinoa, pasta, whole grain bread

Honey, Maple Syrup & Nut Butters – local raw honey, walnut butter

Refrigerator Essentials – Greek yogurt, Amish butter, high-quality cheeses, farm fresh eggs, dairy milk, apples & bananas


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