[caption id="attachment_73342" align="alignleft" width="164"] Sweet Corn White[/caption]
Scientists believe that corn was domesticated in Mexico by native people about 9,000 years ago and that it was developed from wild grass. It was grown in ancient times usi
[caption id="attachment_73342" align="alignleft" width="164"]
Organic farming is a method of farming that avoids using synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Sustainable farming practices take into account many of the same practices as organic farming, however, goes even further. Sustainability looks at farming practices in a holistic manner. It’s aimed at preserving and conserving soil and water, two valuable assets to all living creatures
Organic farming is a method of farming that avoids using synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Nothing is as quite as iconic to New Jersey as the versatile apple. Apples connote health (apple a day keeps the doctor away) as well as affection (apple of my eye) and are one of the 3rd most valuable crops in N.J. right after tomatoes and blueberries, according to the State Depart