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Stop and Smell the Garlic

Garlic may be one of the oldest cultivated crops according to some historians and as a result of it’s longevity it’s become a staple in many diets and cuisines across the globe. Rich in antioxidants it is considered by health experts to have many health benefits and we find

Feelin Peachy

The peach tree is a deciduous fruit tree native to China and thought to have been transported to the West by the Persians, lending some speculation as to why some call peaches the Persian apple. Some historians believe that in ancient times, peaches were a symbol of longevity and luck and are

Cool as a Summer Cucumber

Have you ever heard the term “cool as a cucumber”? This term is said to have derived from the cucumber’s potential ability to cool the temperature of the blood. How Have you ever heard the term “cool as a cucumber”? This term is said to have derived from the cucumber’s potential ability to cool the temperature of the blood. How‹ Previous Page626364656667686970Next Page