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Tomato-ally Awesome Fruit

Tomatoes are the fruit of the tomato plant. They are botanically classified as a fruit since they contain seeds and grow from a flowering plant, however, they are more commonly known as a vegetable to most people. The scientific name for tomato is “Lycopersicon ly

Eggs-cellent choice for dinner

Eggplant, also known as Aubergine, is technically a berry, although regarded as a vegetable in cooking. The name for eggplant is said to have originated due to it's resemblan

Lend Me Your Ear

Sweet Corn, also known as Maize, is in the height of season on our farm right now. An ear, or cob of corn, is part of the flower of the plant while the kernel is the seed of the plant. Some say that an ear of corn is said to contain 800 kernels arranged in 16 rows, always having an even numb