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Spud-tactular News

Are you enjoying all the benefits of eating in season? We hope so, and wish to introduce you to a spud-tacular vegetable in season right now, Potatoes! Potatoes are a plant with large leaves with the edible part of this plant being the tuber that grows underground. Potatoes a

Apple-ly Delicious

Apple BoxApples have a long history, originating in Central Asia, making their way to America and specifically New Jersey with the early settlers. Apples were primarily used in our region for apple cider and hard apple cider (also known as Apple Jack) as grow

Innovating Pumpkin Crops

As sustainable stewards of this land we take our job seriously and are always learning innovative ways to improve our farming practices and grow the healthiest food. This season we are utilizing a new technique called No till farming for our pumpkins. Traditionally used in growing corn & soybeans we
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