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Crazy for Kugel

Passover or Easter can be a traditional time for eating this delicious Jewish, and some say German, inspired baked casserole. Culinary Specialists say Kugel is basically a baked casserole that begins with a starch then with the addition of some eggs and fat turn

abuzz about pollinators

It’s Springtime which means you will begin to see pollinators buzzing around our farm. Pollinators are truly a farmer's friend and so very vital to overall food production. Pollinators include bees, insects, birds and other small insects that move pollen from one

Bunchy Goodness

Spinach is a cool weather vegetable rich in vitamins, minerals, nutrients, antioxidants and fiber. Belonging to the amaranth family, spinach is also related to beets and quinoa. It is said that this vegetable originated from Persia and that during medieval times the