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Pick Your Own PeasPeas may be thought of as a vegetable, however, are actually a legume belonging to the same family as beans, peanuts, chickpeas and lentils. Peas grow on a vine in pods and are easy to tell when ripe for picking as they become plump. They are in seaso

Garlic Scape Season

You may have heard about garlic scapes and their alluring flavor and uncommonly unique taste. Garlic scapes are a vegetable, an aromatic, and also an herb all in one. They are the tender stem and flower buds of a garlic pl
Pick Your Own Strawberries

Taste the Farm Fresh Difference

One bite and you will taste (and see) the difference between local farm fresh strawberries and the supermarket variety. Not only do local berries taste sweeter, they also are red all the way through as they are fully grown. Local strawberries are allowed to ripen