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A-maize-ing Popping Corn

Alstede Fresh Stovetop PopcornPopping corn is a special variety of corn named Zea belonging to the corn family. Other types of corn are Dent, Sweet and Flint Corn. Dent corn, aka field corn, is primarily used as grain corn for animals. Sweet Corn is the delicious corn

Pressing the Very Best

The Alstede Farms cider mill was started in 2015 and we are proudly going into our 8th year of pressing apples. Having a cider mill on an apple farm means that nothing goes to waste on this sustainable-focused, regenerative farm.

Turn-ip the Love for Rutabagas

Turnips and Rutabagas are categorized as an Itsy Bitsy crop on our farm. Itsy Bitsy crops mean they are a tinier cr