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How to Stock the Perfect Winter Pantry

Align closer to the season by making sure to keep your pantry stocked with essential items that make mealtime fun and easier. Our culinary and education specialist, Miss Jenn, has put together her top picks to help you cook with ease and obtain optimum nutrition this Winter.

Keep Calm and Carrot On

Carrots and parsnips are cool-season, root veggies that we plant in early spring and fall. Carrots that have been planted in spring will be available typically from June through November and then longer with cold storage. Parsnips are available, typically, in Apri

All of a Spuden

Pick Your Own PotatoesAll of a sudden we shifted from our summer harvest to fall harvest which includes root crops, such as beets & carrots, along with tuber crops, such as potatoes. We grow six different varieties of potatoes on approximately 6 acres of farmla