The Linzer torte is a traditional Austrian pastry said to be named after the city of Linz , Austria. The Linzer torte is a type of shortcake topped with fruit preserves and sliced nuts. Linzer tarts are not only pretty to look at but their buttery, flaky & sweet flavor makes them a Christmas cookie classic and rightly so as the powdered sugar topping over red jam is so festive and iconic for the holidays.
Linzer tarts are revered by many culinary specialists as it is supposed to be one of the oldest recipes in history. It is versatile and can be a torte, like a pie with straight sides and lattice top and cut into wedges. Of course as a tart it is considered a cookie that is rolled, cut, baked, and filled. Traditionally it is made with ground nuts which consists of almonds, hazelnuts or a mix. There have been a few reinvented recipes that have substituted the almonds creating a nut free alternative. The nut free version relies on butter, eggs, sugar and flour making it more of a traditional shortbread cookie, still so delicious. Like all “rolled” cookies dough should be. Chilled for the easiest handling.
The filling is our jam, literally, and Miss Jenn, our culinary and educational specialist notes that the traditional way to serve these is with raspberry jam. In this new recipe she introduces some new flavors with the use of our Route 24 jam found in our market. Route 24 jam consists of peaches, strawberries, raspberries and cherries giving this new version of the Linzer torte cookie a zippy new flavor twist. Miss Jenn has prepared this recipe for special occasions for year and for some very special people in her life and is sharing her recipe with you! She always featured this recipe in her lesson planning when teaching about Germany, Switzerland and Austria back when she was an instructor for Culinary Arts in High School. Miss Jenn uses her cherished cookie cutter collection selecting the heart shape when making these cookies especially in the month of February.
These cookies are so popular that they have even been depicted in movies (The Sound of Music) so it’s a must try for any age!
Get Miss Jenn’s recipe here and start spreading the love of homemade cookies today!
Some tips from our Farm Kitchen: Cookies can be rolled and cut and frozen on sheets of waxed or parchment paper and then easily taken out of freezer and baked on demand as needed. It will fill your house with the amazing smell of fresh baked cookies!