Lettuce enjoy more fruits & veggies

Shop Alstede FreshWe all know the benefits of incorporating more fruits and vegetables into our diets, however, we also know that it can be a daunting chore for some. We are here to offer fresh inspirations for the new year and to show you how easy and fun it can be to get that daily dose of fruit & veg with a little pre-planning and extra know-how. Have you heard that the USDA recommends that we eat 2 cups of fruit and 2.5 cups of vegetables daily for optimal health? Learning a few simple tips will help make this goal easier for you so you can check off one more thing on your New Year’s to-do list. 

Let’s jump in! The best way to increase your fruit and vegetable intake is to keep the fruits and vegetables on hand that you and your family crave and love! Sounds simple, but it’s true. If you love cauliflower then add it to your weekly shopping list to have on hand.  Spend some prep time ensuring it is washed and cut, ready for quick snacks, and also have some steamed on-hand to add into omelets, stir fries or salads. Branching out and experimenting with adding a new vegetable into your recipes each week is a great way to find more of what you love while getting your daily dose. Consider making a connection to your local farm or farmers market or join a farm CSA (which stands for Community Supported Agriculture) to receive a weekly box of fresh picked fruits & vegetables and to be introduced to new & exciting local produce. A CSA is a great way to try something new each week and you are more apt to eat more veggies if experiencing them fresh from the farm at their peak of ripeness.  

Another way to up your veggie intake is to start your day with a vegetable. Omelets are a great canvas for this as you can easily add peppers, onions, broccoli or some greens to enhance the flavor and nutritional value of your breakfast. If a breakfast bowl is more your speed, try making a blended variety of sweet or savory items to enjoy more fruits and vegetables first thing in the morning. We like roasted veggies such as beets, carrots, pumpkin or squash blended with oats and chia to make a delicious pudding style breakfast bowl. Or try mixing chopped baby spinach with green grapes, cucumbers and avocados blended with Greek yogurt for a lean mean green breakfast bowl. You can tailor the flavors to suit your taste and to what you have on hand in your fridge or pantry. Another simple idea is a smoothie that includes fruits, chopped veggies and juices to tick off that daily dose first thing in the morning. If oatmeal is your preference you can add berries, chopped apples, or mashed banana to amp up the flavor and fruit consumption or try preparing a savory oat dish which includes sautéed baby kale, mushrooms and cauliflower to create a warming morning meal. 

Going by the old adage, “eat a rainbow every day”, is a cute reminder to help us consume the nutrition our bodies need each day. Fruits and vegetables come in all sorts of wonderful colors that represent the vitamins and minerals we need each and everyday.  Have fun with keeping track of your progress by adding a red apple to your lunchbox, accompanied by a green salad with a blueberry smoothie. You will find that “eating a rainbow” is a playful way to help you get the most nutrition out of your daily meals. 

Another tip is to prepare your veggies all at once, after bringing them home from the farm or market, and cooking them in a variety of ways to have them readily available in your fridge. It’s a lot easier to add veggies to your dishes if they are prepared and ready to grab and go & over time it will become a healthy habit for you and your family. 

Grating carrots into tomato sauces, adding spinach or other wilted greens to soups or adding butternut squash, pureed pumpkin or green beans to stews is easy to achieve.  Reimagine your pasta night by making noodles from summer squashes or root veggies for a simple meal reinvention with veggies in mind. Replace bread in recipes with greens, lettuces, kale and chard as they make great vehicles for tacos, sandwiches and wraps. Of course replacing chips or crackers with fresh fruit or chopped veggies such as kohlrabi chips, sliced radishes or strawberries, will help you easily check off your daily dose of fruit & veggies in the process. Making veggie fries is also a kid-friendly way to encourage your children to eat more veggies.  Simply slice & panko breadcrumb zucchini chunks then place them in the air fryer for a super fun and fast way to introduce kids to the multiple flavors of vegetables. Quick salsas made from cucumbers, tomatoes or melons, when in season, serve as a great addition to main dishes or meat accompaniment and count toward your daily dose. 

Branching out and experimenting by adding a new vegetable into yourFreshly Inspired CSA recipes each week is a great way to find more of what you love while getting what you need. 

Looking for more fresh inspired recipes? Visit our recipes today!

Best wishes from our farm kitchen to yours! Xo 


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