If you hear an onion ring, answer it!

onionsOnions may just have been one of the earliest cultivated crops (researchers approximate their cultivation to 5000 years ago) valued for being easy to grow, easy to transport and less perishable than other food of the time. 

Researchers suggest that the onion may have proved valuable to human existence as they could easily be dried and preserved and consumed later when food was scarce. It is also said that onions could have prevented thirst so was vital on long travels which would have been important back in nomadic history. Onions have long been celebrated in history for use in food, art, medicine and mummification. 

Onions were a symbol of worship in ancient Egypt as the anatomy of the onion, the circle within a circle, was perceived to replicate eternal life. They have been used in entombment and have appeared in paintings on inner walls of pyramids. The ancient Greeks were said to use onions to fortify athletes before major athletic events in their time. Today’s health experts say to eat onions to boost your immunity. Onions antibacterial & antiviral properties help boost the immune system to keep viruses from spreading throughout the body. Some solid evidence has even shown that the antimicrobial properties found in onions may prove to be valuable in preventing colds and other viruses. We say, we love the flavor and texture that onions add to recipes so eat them anyway. 

We grow several varieties of onions here on 3 acres on our farm including; red, yellow, white and shallots. They are harvested Spring through Mid-Summer and available on our farm typically all the way through late Winter from our cold storage.

Onions continue to play a large role in recipes around the world as a base for several dishes in regional cuisines, including the formation of Mirepoix and The Trinity. Mirepoix, which is a classic sautéed flavor base in French cuisines consists of onion, celery and carrot and is the basis for thousands of dishes. The trinity is the holy three ingredient flavor base used in Cajun and creole cooking consisting of onion, celery and green pepper, also used as a base for traditional local cuisine.

Looking for an exciting new recipe featuring onions? Try this French Onion Soup Salisbury Steak recipe specially curated by our culinary and educational specialist. 

Use this link to access the recipe https://www.alstedefarms.com/recipe/french-onion-soup-with-salisbury-steak/

Did you know? 

New York City was purportedly called the Big Onion prior to it’s now common nickname of The Big Apple, as it is often considered a place in which you could peel off layer after layer and never reach the core, same as an onion!

Best of health from our farm kitchen to yours! 


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